Happy Birthday to my SUPER 5 year-old!

WOW- 5!!  I have no idea where these past 5 years went!  But I do know one thing, my life is much sweeter with this little boy running around!  So proud of my Little Man!

5th bday

To celebrate his birthday, we had a SUPER MARIO party!  Although my son kept correcting me on “Mario-isms,” like “Mario smashes bad guys not jumps over them.” Or “Yoshi’s eggs are green and white, not red.” Or even telling me, “It’s my party, so I make the rules!” I did have a lot of fun creating a SUPER party for him and his little friends!

Mario Decorations and Games
Mario Decorations and Games

* Make a Mustache: I had felt, dowels, and glue.  When the kids came they (and their parents) made their very own Mario-stace.

Is that Mario or Luigi?
Is that Mario or Luigi?

*Guessing Jars: I filled three jars with candies, all a Mario theme.  The kids guessed how many they thought were in the jar, and the winner took home a jar full of goodies!  It was really cute to see how 2, 4 and 5 year olds estimate 🙂

Mario's Fire Power - Mike and Ike's Reds
Mario’s Fire Power – Mike and Ike’s Reds
Mario's Ice Power- Jumbo Marshmellows
Yoshi’s Eggs- Peanut M&M’s
Mario's Ice Power- Jumbo Marshmellows
Mario’s Ice Power- Jumbo Marshmellows

*Games: We played “Pin the Mustache on Mario” and had a “Super Mario Obstacle Course.”  My brother-in-law, Andy drew an outline of Mario, which my son colored.  I cut out paper mustaches, and then just like pin the tale on the donkey, we covered their eyes, and spun them around.  They really got a kick out of this.  Especially when my two-year-old kept giving clues, “Right here. Put it right here!”

Coloring Mario
Coloring Mario
Pin the Mustache on Mario
Pin the Mustache on Mario

*Our last game was an obstacle course.  Since his birthday is in December, I had to be creative with what we could do inside!  I used some toys we already had to jump over, and a tunnel thingy the kids crawled through.  I made a Mario turtle out of felt and the kids threw these velcro balls at the turtle.  Lastly, my son made a castle out of his Lego’s. I put the goody bags (filled with ‘gold’) by the castle for the kids to grab.

TJ with his castle and bags of gold!
TJ with his castle and bags of gold!

Even though it wasn’t exactly “how Mario does it,” it was still fun and very entertaining to watch!

I am so proud to be this BIG BOY’s Mommy, and am very happy he and his friends had a SUPER time at his birthday party.  Happy 5th Birthday, TJ! XOXO, Mommy.

Fun with Friends!
Fun with Friends!


2 thoughts on “Happy Birthday to my SUPER 5 year-old!

  1. HI Erica! Awesome party. I love creative parties like this, and it looks like the kids did, also. Way to go, super mom! Thanks for the link to your blog…and congrats on the 1000 hits. 🙂


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