
Speaking PreachTeach

To invite Erica to your conference, workshop, church group, or other outing, please email thepreachteach@gmail.com


Motherhood: A mother to four young kids, Erica loves to speak to mothers, whether soon-to-be or been-there-done-that. Moms need friends. Moms need encouragement. Moms need to know they are not alone. Erica loves to provide that comfort.

Grief: If you are familiar with the PreachTeach blog, you know about Erica’s father. He and Erica were very close and his sudden departure from this earth led Erica into her grief journey. There are many lessons she has learned; how to live to the fullest, how to be a genuine friend, how to feel every feeling, and even how faith strengthens the darkest of nightmares. Unfortunately, grief is unavoidable. But it is livable. Let Erica help.

While her blog is not solely devoted to these areas, Erica also speaks on the following:

Teaching and Coaching: A former elementary teacher, Erica loves kids. More, she loves teachers. One of her strongest passions is equipping teachers to love, motivate and encourage the students in their classrooms. Erica is also a track coach. She works with the Missouri Institute of Positive Coaching and has organized and led workshops in Des Moines, IA. (For more information on that in particular, you can also email iowapositivecoach@gmail.com).

Track and Field: Erica’s experience and expertise in Track and Field are most specifically in the hurdles and jumps events. An NCAA Qualifier and Big 12 runner-up in college, Erica has coached multiple state champions and Iowa record holders at the high school level.

Athletes: Many athletes identify themselves with their sport and their accomplishments. But what happens when sport is over? Having traveled this road to identity after sport herself, Erica loves to meet with athletes transitioning from high school to college, or college to the real world to help prepare them for a life without competition.

PreachTeach Speaking

Inquire at thepreachteach@gmail.com